Blog Archives

Day three of a Czech adventure

I know this post is long overdue and I must apologise for that. I have been a bit… well not writer’s block, more like distracted. So to continue from where I left off with my last post in this small series, after we had left Prague we headed the small town of Kutna Hora. I’ve been on trains before, if the Go Train counts that is. The trains in the Czech Republic are completely different from any train I have been on before and I think that is entirely due to my being North American. Getting from Prague to Kutna Hora by train, is easier than expect and a far more interesting journey than by bus. You do pay a little more for the train, but in my opinion it is worth the extra coin. Just keep in mind, it does take two trains to get to this small town and it is roughly an hour and a half trip. Read the rest of this entry

Day two of a Czech adventure

There is something magical about spring, maybe it’s the fresh warm air, the sound of the birds chirping or the flowers blooming. Whatever it is though I love opening up the windows on my day off and letting spring flow through our flat. I also love perching on my window ledge with my laptop and writing while watching people mill about bellow and seeing the clouds slowly drift by over the mountains. Spring in Poland is not all the different from spring in Canada and I think after seven months of being away from home I’m beginning to miss home a little bit. I find myself thinking about it when I’m cooking dinner or when I’m walking home from work. Read the rest of this entry

Day one of a Czech Adventure

Spring is in the air, it’s a nice warm day and the sun is shinning and the birds are chirping. How lucky we are to have such beautiful weather. I wish I could say the same about the day we packed up and headed out to the Czech Republic over Easter. Instead when we crawled out of bed at 5am it was dark and cold outside and the weather prompted us to pack more warm clothes than we actually ended up needing. Read the rest of this entry

My Silence is Ending

Dear readers,

I know it has been a while since I have written anything here and I must apologize for that. I have been sitting in a state of not so blissful writer’s block, where the wall has been the focus of my stare for countless hours and my blank notepad had remained blank. It is moments like that where you find yourself not sure if your thoughts are worth sharing or whether what you have to say will be of any interest to anyone at all. Even now I doubt what I have to say will be of any vast importance to anyone, but I want to write, I need to write. Read the rest of this entry